在 C++ 中处理相互依赖的类的最佳方法是什么?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 header c++

假设我有一个类 foo,其成员是类 bar 的对象

Say I have a class foo with an object of class bar as a member

class foo
    bar m_bar;

现在假设 bar 需要跟踪拥有它的 foo

Now suppose bar needs to keep track of the foo that owns it

class bar
    foo * m_pfoo;

这两个类相互引用并且没有前向声明,将无法编译.所以在 foo 的声明之前添加这一行可以解决这个问题

The two classes reference each other and without a forward declaration, will not compile. So adding this line before foo's declaration solves that problem

class bar;

现在,问题来了――在编写头文件时,每个 header 都依赖于另一个:foo.h 需要 bar.h 中的定义,反之亦然.处理这个问题的正确方法是什么?

Now, here is the problem - when writing the header files, each header depends on the other: foo.h needs the definitions in bar.h and vice-versa. What is the proper way of dealing with this?



You need to move all of the member access out of the header, and into your source files.

这样,您可以在标头中转发声明您的类,并在 foo 中定义它们:

This way, you can forward declare your classes in the header, and define them in foo:

// foo.h
class bar;

class foo {
    bar * m_pbar;

// bar.h
class foo;
class bar {
    foo * parent;

这将允许您工作 - 您只是不能将需要成员信息的定义放入您的标题中 - 将其移至 .cpp 文件..cpp 文件可以包含 foo.h 和 bar.h:

That will allow you to work - you just can't put definitions that require member information into your header - move it to the .cpp file. The .cpp files can include both foo.h and bar.h:

// Foo.cpp
#include "foo.h"
#Include "bar.h"

void foo::some_method() {
     this->m_pbar->do_something(); // Legal, now, since both headers have been included
