在 Qt Creator 中使用静态库

2022-01-11 00:00:00 qt-creator linker c++ static-libraries

我正在寻找一个清楚地解释如何在 Qt Creator 中使用静态库的文档.

I'm having a hell of a time finding documentation which clearly explains how to use a static library in Qt Creator.

我已经使用 Qt Creator 创建并编译了我的静态库(New=>ProjectsC++ Library=>将类型设置为静态链接库").它编译并输出一个.a 文件".

I've created and compiled my static library using Qt Creator (New=>ProjectsC++ Library=>Set type to "Statically Linked Library"). It compiles and spits out a ".a file".

我遇到的问题是当我尝试使用该库时.我有另一个想要使用它的项目(库中的#include 文件等),但我不知道与库链接或包含库中的文件的正确方法.

The problem I encounter is when I try to use the library. I have another project that would like to use it (#include files in the library, etc) but I don't know the proper way to link with the library or include files from the library.


LIBS += -L[path to lib] -l[name of lib]

注意!lib 的文件名:lib[nameOfLib].a 并且您只需要传递原始部分 -l[nameOfLib]

Note! that filename of lib: lib[nameOfLib].a and you have to pass only original part -l[nameOfLib]
