g ++链接器:如果存在静态库,则强制静态链接?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 c g++ linker c++ static-libraries


I've a program which links to many libraries. g++, by default, prefers to link to shared libraries, even if the corresponding archive exists.


How can I change this preference to prefer static archives over dynamic libraries, if a static archive exists?

注意,我使用了 -static 选项,但它会尝试为所有库查找静态存档,这不是我想要的.

Note, I used -static option, but it tries to find static archive for all libraries which is not what I want.


g++ -Wl,-Bstatic -lz -lfoo -Wl,-Bdynamic -lbar -Wl,--as-needed

zliblibfoo 链接为 static ,并将 libbar 链接为 dynamic .--as-needed 将丢弃任何未使用的动态库.

Will link zlib and libfoo as static, and libbar as dynamic . --as-needed will drop any unused dynamic library.
