python set.__contains__ 的意外行为

2022-01-17 00:00:00 python list set


__contains__ 文档中借用文档

print set.__contains__.__doc__
x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x.

这似乎适用于 int、basestring 等原始对象.但对于定义 __ne____eq__ 方法的用户定义对象,我感到意外行为.这是一个示例代码:

This seems to work fine for primitive objects such as int, basestring, etc. But for user-defined objects that define the __ne__ and __eq__ methods, I get unexpected behavior. Here is a sample code:

class CA(object):
  def __init__(self,name): = name

  def __eq__(self,other):
    if ==
      return True
    return False

  def __ne__(self,other):
    return not self.__eq__(other)

obj1 = CA('hello')
obj2 = CA('hello')

theList = [obj1,]
theSet = set(theList)

# Test 1: list
print (obj2 in theList)  # return True

# Test 2: set weird
print (obj2 in theSet)  # return False  unexpected

# Test 3: iterating over the set
found = False
for x in theSet:
  if x == obj2:
    found = True

print found   # return True

# Test 4: Typcasting the set to a list
print (obj2 in list(theSet))  # return True


So is this a bug or a feature?


对于sets和dicts,需要定义__hash__.任何两个相等的对象都应该散列相同,以便在 sets 和 dicts 中获得一致/预期的行为.

For sets and dicts, you need to define __hash__. Any two objects that are equal should hash the same in order to get consistent / expected behavior in sets and dicts.

我建议使用 _key 方法,然后在需要比较项目部分的任何地方引用它,就像从 调用 __eq____ne__ 而不是重新实现它:

I would reccomend using a _key method, and then just referencing that anywhere you need the part of the item to compare, just as you call __eq__ from __ne__ instead of reimplementing it:

class CA(object):
  def __init__(self,name): = name

  def _key(self):
    return type(self),

  def __hash__(self):
    return hash(self._key())

  def __eq__(self,other):
    if self._key() == other._key():
      return True
    return False

  def __ne__(self,other):
    return not self.__eq__(other)
