用于获取操作系统语言(本地化信息)的 Win32 API?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 winapi localization c++

谁能帮我看看如何通过win32 API(C/C++)获取Windows操作系统的语言(英文、中文等)??

Can anybody please help me with how to get the language(english,chinese etc) of Windows OS through win32 API(C/C++)??



您可以使用 GetUserDefaultLCID.这将为您提供一个可用于确定文化的 ID.请参阅此处查看包含 ID 及其代表的文化的表格.

You can get the default user locale (which I think is what you're asking) using GetUserDefaultLCID. This will give you an ID which can be used to determine the culture. See here for a table containing IDs and the cultures they represent.

对于 Vista 或 Windows 7,微软推荐 GetUserDefaultLocaleName.

For Vista or Windows 7, Microsoft recommend GetUserDefaultLocaleName.
