ndk-build: CreateProcess: make (e=87): 参数不正确

2022-01-10 00:00:00 windows android-ndk c++ createprocess

在 Windows 平台上使用 NDK 构建静态库时出现错误:

I get an error when build static lib with NDK on Windows platform:

process_begin: CreateProcess( "PATH"android-ndk-r8b	oolchainsarm-linux-androideabi-4.6prebuiltwindowsinarm-linux-androideabi-ar.exe, "some other commands" ) failed.
make (e=87): The parameter is incorrect.
make: *** [obj/local/armeabi-v7a/staticlib.a] Error 87
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....


All source files build successfully, and this error occur when compose object files.

在 Ubuntu 中构建此项目时,我没有收到此错误,它仅在 Windows 上发生.

I don't get this error when build this project in Ubuntu, it occur only on Windows.

我想我找到了 问题:CreateProcess Win API 函数 lpCommandLine 的最大长度为 32,768 个字符.但就我而言,它超过 32,768 个字符.

I suppose I found the issue: second parameter of CreateProcess Win API function lpCommandLine has max length 32,768 characters. But in my case it is more than 32,768 characters.


How I can solve this issue?


也许在你的 Android.mk 中设置的 LOCAL_SHORT_COMMANDS 标志可以帮助你.它旨在克服 Windows 命令可以处理的字符数限制.

Maybe the LOCAL_SHORT_COMMANDS flag, to be set in your Android.mk, could help you. It is designed to overcome the limitations on the number of characters a Windows command can handle.


According to $(NDK folder)/docs/ANDROID-MK.html:



当您的模块有大量源和/或依赖的静态或共享库.这迫使构建系统以使用中间列表文件,并将其与使用 @$(listfile) 语法的库归档器或静态链接器.

Set this variable to 'true' when your module has a very high number of sources and/or dependent static or shared libraries. This forces the build system to use an intermediate list file, and use it with the library archiver or static linker with the @$(listfile) syntax.

这在 Windows 上很有用,命令行只接受最多 8191 个字符,对于复杂的项目.

This can be useful on Windows, where the command-line only accepts a maximum of 8191 characters, which can be too small for complex projects.


This also impacts the compilation of individual source files, placing nearly all compiler flags inside list files too.

请注意,true"以外的任何其他值都将恢复为默认值行为.您还可以在您的Application.mk 为您的所有模块强制执行此行为项目.

Note that any other value than 'true' will revert to the default behaviour. You can also define APP_SHORT_COMMANDS in your Application.mk to force this behaviour for all modules in your project.


NOTE: We do not recommend enabling this feature by default, since it makes the build slower.

