cuda 5.0支持的c++版本
我找不到 CUDA 5.0 支持哪个版本/哪个 c++ 概念.我在 CUDA 5.0 RC 随附的编程指南或参考指南中找不到任何信息.特别是我想知道 CUDA 5.0 是否支持 C++11.有人能指点我一个地方来查找这些信息吗?
I can't find which version/which concepts of c++ is/are supported by CUDA 5.0. I could not find any information in the Programming Guide or Reference Guide delivered with the CUDA 5.0 RC. Especially I'm wondering if CUDA 5.0 supports C++11. Could someone point me to a place to look for this information?
不支持 gcc 4.7 所以 一些 c++11 功能不可用:
It does not support gcc 4.7 so some of the c++11 features are not available:
- Non-static data member initializers
- Template aliases :(
- Delegating constructors
- User-defined literals
- Extended friend declarations
- Explicit virtual overrides