
2022-01-10 00:00:00 iterator c++ stl

我有一个由 std::find() 产生的 stl 迭代器,并希望测试它是否是最后一个元素.一种写法如下:

I have an stl iterator resulting from a std::find() and wish to test whether it is the last element. One way to write this is as follows:

mine *match = someValue;
vector<mine *> Mine(someContent);
vector<mine *>::iterator itr = std::find(Mine.begin(), Mine.end(), match);

if (itr == --Mine.end()) {

但在我看来,递减 end() 迭代器是自找麻烦,例如如果向量没有元素,那么它将是未定义的.即使我知道它永远不会是空的,它仍然看起来很丑.我在想也许 rbegin() 是要走的路,但不确定将正向迭代器与反向迭代器进行比较的最佳方法.

But it seems to me that decrementing the end() iterator is asking for trouble, such as if the vector has no elements, then it would be undefined. Even if I know it will never be empty, it still seems ugly. I'm thinking that maybe rbegin() is the way to go, but am not certain as to best way to compare the forward iterator with a reverse iterator.



// defined in boost/utility.hpp, by the way
template <typename Iter>
Iter next(Iter iter)
    return ++iter;

// first check we aren't going to kill ourselves
// then check if the iterator after itr is the end
if ((itr != Mine.end()) && (next(itr) == Mine.end()))
    // points at the last element


That is all. Never gives you undefined behavior, works on all iterators, good day.


template <typename Iter, typename Cont>
bool is_last(Iter iter, const Cont& cont)
    return (iter != cont.end()) && (next(iter) == cont.end())


if (is_last(itr, Mine))



If you're allergic to utility functions/nice looking code, do:

if ((itr != Mine.end()) && (itr + 1 == Mine.end()))


But you can't do it on non-random-access iterators. This one works with bidirectional iterators:

if ((itr != Mine.end()) && (itr == --Mine.end()))

而且是安全的,因为 end() >itr 由第一次检查.

And is safe since end() > itr by the first check.
