从头到尾迭代 C++ 向量

2022-01-10 00:00:00 iterator vector c++


Is it possible to iterate a vector from the end to the beginning?

for (vector<my_class>::iterator i = my_vector.end();
        i != my_vector.begin(); /* ?! */ ) {


Or is that only possible with something like that:

for (int i = my_vector.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {



for (vector<my_class>::reverse_iterator i = my_vector.rbegin(); 
        i != my_vector.rend(); ++i ) { 

rbegin()/rend() 是专门为此目的而设计的.(是的,增加一个 reverse_interator 会将其向后移动.)

rbegin()/rend() were especially designed for that purpose. (And yes, incrementing a reverse_interator moves it backward.)

现在,理论上,您的方法(使用 begin()/end() & --i)会起作用,std::vector 的迭代器是双向的,但请记住,end() 不是最后一个元素――它超出了最后一个元素,所以你必须递减首先,当你到达 begin() 时你就完成了――但你仍然需要进行处理.

Now, in theory, your method (using begin()/end() & --i) would work, std::vector's iterator being bidirectional, but remember, end() isn't the last element ― it's one beyond the last element, so you'd have to decrement first, and you are done when you reach begin() ― but you still have to do your processing.

vector<my_class>::iterator i = my_vector.end();
while (i != my_vector.begin())
    /*do stuff */


更新:在将 for() 循环重写为 while() 循环时,我显然过于激进了.(重要的是 --i 在开头.)

UPDATE: I was apparently too aggressive in re-writing the for() loop into a while() loop. (The important part is that the --i is at the beginning.)
