如何删除 const_iterator 的常量?

2022-01-10 00:00:00 iterator c++ stl const-iterator

作为这个问题的扩展const_iterators 更快吗?,我还有一个关于 const_iterators 的问题.如何删除 const_iterator 的常量?尽管迭代器是指针的广义形式,但 const_iteratoriterator 仍然是两个不同的东西.因此,我相信,我也不能使用 const_cast<>const_iterator 转换为 iterators.

As an extension to this question Are const_iterators faster?, I have another question on const_iterators. How to remove constness of a const_iterator? Though iterators are generalised form of pointers but still const_iterator and iterators are two different things. Hence, I believe, I also cannot use const_cast<> to covert from const_iterator to iterators.

一种方法可能是您定义一个迭代器,它移动'直到 const_iterator 指向的元素.但这看起来是一个线性时间算法.

One approach could be that you define an iterator which moves 'til the element to which const_iterator points. But this looks to be a linear time algorithm.


Any idea on what is the best way to achieve this?


在 C++11 中有一个恒定时间复杂度的解决方案:对于任何序列、关联或无序关联容器(包括所有标准库容器),您可以调用具有空范围的范围擦除成员函数:

There is a solution with constant time complexity in C++11: for any sequence, associative, or unordered associative container (including all of the Standard Library containers), you can call the range-erase member function with an empty range:

template <typename Container, typename ConstIterator>
typename Container::iterator remove_constness(Container& c, ConstIterator it)
    return c.erase(it, it);

范围擦除成员函数有一对 const_iterator 参数,但它们返回一个 iterator.因为提供了一个空范围,所以对擦除的调用不会更改容器的内容.

The range-erase member functions have a pair of const_iterator parameters, but they return an iterator. Because an empty range is provided, the call to erase does not change the contents of the container.

向 Howard Hinnant 和 Jon Kalb 致敬.
