使用 Python 的 Azure 计时器触发功能

2022-01-17 00:00:00 python azure azure-functions


我正在使用 Python 3.x 编写 Azure 计时器触发器.我有一个这样的功能正在运行.我想我知道这样做,从 JS 创建一个,然后删除index.js"并创建一个 run.py.但是这一次,当我运行我的 python 函数时,我总是得到一个错误说没有这样的文件:index.js".我没有看到函数和index.js"文件之间有任何联系.





我建议你直接在 kudu 上创建 python azure 函数.只需在新文件夹中创建 run.pyfunction.json 即可,无需更改 JS 模板.


I am writing an Azure timer trigger using Python 3.x. I've got one such function running. I think I know to do it, create one from JS and then delete the 'index.js' and create a run.py. But this time, when I run my python function, I always got an error saying "No such file: index.js". I didn't see any bonds between the function and the 'index.js' file.

Any thoughts?


I followed tutorial in comment and reproduce your issue on my side though I refresh the portal.

However, after waiting for some time, it works. I suspect it's due to cache.

I suggest you creating python azure function on kudu directly. Just create run.py and function.json in new folder instead of changing the JS template.

Hope it helps you.
