
2022-01-09 00:00:00 binary c integer c++ palindrome


How to check if the binary representation of an integer is a palindrome?


由于您还没有指定要使用的语言,这里有一些 C 代码(不是最有效的实现,但它应该说明这一点):

Since you haven't specified a language in which to do it, here's some C code (not the most efficient implementation, but it should illustrate the point):

/* flip n */
unsigned int flip(unsigned int n)
    int i, newInt = 0;
    for (i=0; i<WORDSIZE; ++i)
        newInt += (n & 0x0001);
        newInt <<= 1;
        n >>= 1;
    return newInt;

bool isPalindrome(int n)
    int flipped = flip(n);
    /* shift to remove trailing zeroes */
    while (!(flipped & 0x0001))
        flipped >>= 1;
    return n == flipped;

EDIT 已为您的 10001 事物修复.

EDIT fixed for your 10001 thing.
