
2022-01-09 00:00:00 algorithm binary c++

我目前正在用 C++ 模拟 MIPS 处理器,用于一个 comp 架构类,并且在从十进制数转换为二进制数(双向有符号数)时遇到了一些问题.直到最后一点,一切都运行良好,因为我当前的算法在 1<<=31 上属于 int 的边界区域.只需要朝正确的方向轻推即可启动并运行.谢谢!

I'm currently working on a simulation of the MIPS processor in C++ for a comp architecture class and having some problems converting from decimal numbers to binary (signed numbers both ways). Everything's working fine until the very last bit because my current algorithm falls into out of bounds areas for int on 1<<=31. Just need a nudge in the right direction to get it up and running. Thanks!

//Assume 32 bit decimal number
string DecimalToBinaryString(int a)
    string binary = "";
    int mask = 1;
    for(int i = 0; i < 31; i++)
        if((mask&a) >= 1)
            binary = "1"+binary;
            binary = "0"+binary;
    return binary;


I'm also including my other algorithm for completeness. I apologize for the lack of comments, but it's fairly straight forward.

int BinaryStringToDecimal(string a)
    int num = 0;
    bool neg = false;
    if(a.at(0) == '1')
        neg = true;
        for(int x = a.length()-1; x >= 0; x--)
            if(a.at(x) == '1')
                a.at(x) = '0';
            else a.at(x) = '1';
        a.at(a.length()-1) += 1;
        for(int x = a.length()-1; x >= 0; x--)
            if(a.at(x) == '2')
                if(x-1 >= 0)
                    if(a.at(x-1) == '1')
                        a.at(x-1) = '2';
                    if(a.at(x-1) == '0')
                        a.at(x-1) = '1';
                    a.at(x) = '0';
            else if(a.at(x) == '3')
                if(x-1 >= 0)
                    a.at(x-1) += '2';
                a.at(x) = '1';
        if(a.at(0) == '2')
            a.at(0) = '0';
        else if(a.at(0) == '3')
            a.at(0) = '1';
    for(int x = a.length()-1; x >= 0; x--)
        if(a.at(x) == '1')
            num += pow(2.0, a.length()-x-1);
        num = num*-1;   
    return num;


Also if anyone knows any good ways to go about writing these more efficiently I'd love to hear it. I've only had the two introductory programming classes but have been playing with different techniques to see how well I like their style.



There are actually standard one-liners for these.

#include <bitset>

std::string s = std::bitset< 64 >( 12345 ).to_string(); // string conversion

std::cout << std::bitset< 64 >( 54321 ) << ' '; // direct output

std::bitset< 64 > input;
std::cin >> input;
unsigned long ul = input.to_ulong();

