
2022-01-09 00:00:00 binary decimal c++

我真正知道的是 PHP,我使用了 decbin 函数等,这很容易做到.在这个 C++ 程序中,我想做同样的事情,只是一个简单的数字或字符串,我该怎么做?

All I really know is PHP and I used the decbin function etc, It was fairly easy to do. In this C++ program I want to do the same thing, just a simple number or string how would I do this?



A simple function could be defined such as this:

void binary(int decimal) {
   int remainder;

   if(decimal <= 1) {
       std::cout << decimal;
   remainder = decimal % 2;
   binary(decimal >> 1);    
   std::cout << remainder;


Although there are many other resources on the web on how to do this..

这里有一个关于效率的值得注意的问题,因为您可能想要的不仅仅是:在 C/C++ 中高效转换十六进制、二进制和十进制

A noteworthy question for efficiency of it here, as you may want more than just that: Efficiently convert between Hex, Binary, and Decimal in C/C++
