
2022-01-09 00:00:00 binary networking minecraft c++

我正在为我的世界创建一个命令行客户端.可以在此处找到有关该协议的完整规范:http://mc.kev009.com/Protocol.事先回答你的问题,是的,我有点 C++ 菜鸟.

I am creating a command-line client for minecraft. There is a full spec on the protocol that can be found here: http://mc.kev009.com/Protocol. To answer your question beforehand, yes I am a bit of a C++ noob.


I have various issues in implementing this protocol, of which each critical.

  1. 协议规定所有类型都是大端的.我不知道应该如何检查我的数据是否为小端,如果是,如何转换为大端.
  2. 字符串数据类型有点奇怪.它是一个修改后的 UTF-8 字符串,前面有一个包含字符串长度的短字符串.我不知道应该如何将它打包成一个简单的 char[] 数组,也不知道如何将我的简单字符串转换为修改后的 UTF-8 字符串.
  3. 即使我知道如何将数据转换为大端并创建修改后的 UTF-8 字符串,我仍然不知道如何将其打包到 char[] 数组中并将其作为包发送.我之前所做的只是简单的 ASCII 格式的 HTTP 网络.


Explanations, links, related function names and short snippets much appreciated!


现在回答 1 和 3.1 由 user470379 在下面回答.3 由这个 AWESOME 线程回答,它解释了我想做的很好:http://cboard.cprogramming.com/networking-device-communication/68196-sending-non-char*-data.html 我不确定修改后的 UTF-不过还有 8 个.

1 and 3 is answered now. 1 is answered below by user470379. 3 is answered by this AWESOME thread that explains what I want to do very well: http://cboard.cprogramming.com/networking-device-communication/68196-sending-non-char*-data.html I'm not sure about the modified UTF-8 yet though.


传统的做法是为每个协议消息定义一个C++消息结构,并为其实现序列化和反序列化功能.例如 登录请求 可以这样表示:

A traditional approach is to define a C++ message structure for each protocol message and implement serialization and deserialization functions for it. For example Login Request can be represented like this:

#include <string>
#include <stdint.h>

struct LoginRequest
    int32_t protocol_version;
    std::string username;
    std::string password;
    int64_t map_seed;
    int8_t dimension;

现在需要序列化函数.首先它需要整数和字符串的序列化函数,因为这些是 LoginRequest 中的成员类型.

Now serialization functions are required. First it needs serialization functions for integers and strings, since these are the types of members in LoginRequest.


Integer serialization functions need to do conversions to and from big-endian representation. Since members of the message are copied to and from the buffer, the reversal of the byte order can be done while copying:

#include <boost/detail/endian.hpp>
#include <algorithm>


    inline void xcopy(void* dst, void const* src, size_t n)
        char const* csrc = static_cast<char const*>(src);
        std::reverse_copy(csrc, csrc + n, static_cast<char*>(dst));

#elif defined(BOOST_BIG_ENDIAN)

    inline void xcopy(void* dst, void const* src, size_t n)
        char const* csrc = static_cast<char const*>(src);
        std::copy(csrc, csrc + n, static_cast<char*>(dst));


// serialize an integer in big-endian format
// returns one past the last written byte, or >buf_end if would overflow
template<class T>
typename boost::enable_if<boost::is_integral<T>, char*>::type serialize(T val, char* buf_beg, char* buf_end)
    char* p = buf_beg + sizeof(T);
    if(p <= buf_end)
        xcopy(buf_beg, &val, sizeof(T));
    return p;

// deserialize an integer from big-endian format
// returns one past the last written byte, or >buf_end if would underflow (incomplete message)
template<class T>
typename boost::enable_if<boost::is_integral<T>, char const*>::type deserialize(T& val, char const* buf_beg, char const* buf_end)
    char const* p = buf_beg + sizeof(T);
    if(p <= buf_end)
        xcopy(&val, buf_beg, sizeof(T));
    return p;

对于字符串(处理修改后的 UTF-8 的方式与 asciiz 字符串相同):

// serialize a UTF-8 string
// returns one past the last written byte, or >buf_end if would overflow
char* serialize(std::string const& val, char* buf_beg, char* buf_end)
    int16_t len = val.size();
    buf_beg = serialize(len, buf_beg, buf_end);
    char* p = buf_beg + len;
    if(p <= buf_end)
        memcpy(buf_beg, val.data(), len);
    return p;

// deserialize a UTF-8 string
// returns one past the last written byte, or >buf_end if would underflow (incomplete message)
char const* deserialize(std::string& val, char const* buf_beg, char const* buf_end)
    int16_t len;
    buf_beg = deserialize(len, buf_beg, buf_end);
    if(buf_beg > buf_end)
        return buf_beg; // incomplete message
    char const* p = buf_beg + len;
    if(p <= buf_end)
        val.assign(buf_beg, p);
    return p;


struct Serializer
    template<class T>
    char* operator()(T const& val, char* buf_beg, char* buf_end)
        return serialize(val, buf_beg, buf_end);

struct Deserializer
    template<class T>
    char const* operator()(T& val, char const* buf_beg, char const* buf_end)
        return deserialize(val, buf_beg, buf_end);

现在使用这些原始函数,我们可以轻松地序列化和反序列化 LoginRequest 消息:

Now using these primitive functions we can readily serialize and deserialize LoginRequest message:

template<class Iterator, class Functor>
Iterator do_io(LoginRequest& msg, Iterator buf_beg, Iterator buf_end, Functor f)
    buf_beg = f(msg.protocol_version, buf_beg, buf_end);
    buf_beg = f(msg.username, buf_beg, buf_end);
    buf_beg = f(msg.password, buf_beg, buf_end);
    buf_beg = f(msg.map_seed, buf_beg, buf_end);
    buf_beg = f(msg.dimension, buf_beg, buf_end);
    return buf_beg;

char* serialize(LoginRequest const& msg, char* buf_beg, char* buf_end)
    return do_io(const_cast<LoginRequest&>(msg), buf_beg, buf_end, Serializer());

char const* deserialize(LoginRequest& msg, char const* buf_beg, char const* buf_end)
    return do_io(msg, buf_beg, buf_end, Deserializer());

使用上面的辅助函子并将输入/输出缓冲区表示为 char 迭代器范围,只需要一个函数模板来执行消息的序列化和反序列化.

Using the helper functors above and representing input/output buffers as char iterator ranges only one function template is required to do both serialization and deserialization of the message.


int main()
    char buf[0x100];
    char* buf_beg = buf;
    char* buf_end = buf + sizeof buf;

    LoginRequest msg;

    char* msg_end_1 = serialize(msg, buf, buf_end);
    if(msg_end_1 > buf_end)
        ; // more buffer space required to serialize the message

    char const* msg_end_2 = deserialize(msg, buf_beg, buf_end);
    if(msg_end_2 > buf_end)
        ; // incomplete message, more data required
