如何将 std::pair 的排序 std::list 转换为 std::map

2022-01-09 00:00:00 insert c++ std-pair stdmap stdlist

我有一个 std::list<std::pair<std::string,double>>,我知道是按照std::string element排序的.

I have got a std::list< std::pair<std::string,double> >, which I know is sorted according to the std::string element.

由于我想做很多基于 std::string 元素的 std::find_if,我相信 std::map<string,double,MyOwnBinaryPredicate>lower_boundupper_bound 会更合适.

Since I would like to do a lot of std::find_if based on the std::string element, I believe a std::map<string,double,MyOwnBinaryPredicate> with lower_bound and upper_bound would be more adequate.

事实是我想以一种有效的方式在 std::mapinsert 元素.所以我想使用一个额外的迭代器来使 insert 更快.??

The fact is that I want to insert elements in the std::map in an efficient way. So I want to use an additional iterator to make the insert faster.

我相信最简单的方法是使用 const_reverse_iterator 遍历 std::list 并使用 begin()std::map.

I believe the easiest way would be to use a const_reverse_iterator to go through the std::list and to use the begin() of the std::map.


Would you do it this way, or is it a bad idea?




If you already have a sorted list, which is sorted according to the predicate Predicate, you can just do the following:

std::list< std::pair<std::string, double> > sorted_list;
std::map<string, double, Predicate> map(sorted_list.begin(), sorted_list.end());

如果您的列表已经排序,则 map 构造函数具有线性时间复杂度,否则为 O(n*log n).然后,您可以像使用其他地图一样直接使用地图.

The map constructor has linear time complexity if your list is already sorted, O(n*log n) otherwise. You can then work directly with the map as you would any other.


If you later want the results back in your list you could just do the opposite:

sorted_list.assign(map.begin(), map.end());
