为什么没有 2 字节浮点数并且已经存在实现?

假设我真的很需要内存并且想要更小的范围(类似于 shortint).着色器语言已经支持 half 用于具有一半精度的浮点类型(不仅仅是来回转换以使值介于 -1 和 1 之间,即返回一个像这样的浮点数:<代码>shortComingIn/maxRangeOfShort).是否已经存在 2 字节浮点数的实现?

Assuming I am really pressed for memory and want a smaller range (similar to short vs int). Shader languages already support half for a floating-point type with half the precision (not just convert back and forth for the value to be between -1 and 1, that is, return a float like this: shortComingIn / maxRangeOfShort). Is there an implementation that already exists for a 2-byte float?

我也有兴趣知道为什么没有 2 字节浮点数的任何(历史?)原因.

I am also interested to know any (historical?) reasons as to why there is no 2-byte float.


Re:实现:显然有人为 C 编写了 half,这(当然)可以在 C++ 中工作:https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/cellperformance-snippets/half.c

Re: Implementations: Someone has apparently written half for C, which would (of course) work in C++: https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/cellperformance-snippets/half.c

Re:为什么 float 是四个字节:可能是因为低于此,它们的精度是如此有限.

Re: Why is float four bytes: Probably because below that, their precision is so limited.
