好的免费 FTP 客户端库(适用于 Windows C++ 商业应用程序)?

2022-01-09 00:00:00 windows ftp c++

我正在寻找具有公共域或 BSD 类型许可证的优秀开源 Windows FTP 客户端库.我可以访问源代码并且可以在商业应用程序中从 C++ 将其用于 Windows 应用程序的东西.

I'm looking for a good open source Windows FTP client library with a public domain or BSD-type license. Something that I have access to the source code and I can use it from C++ for Windows applications in a commercial app.

我们已经使用 Wininet 多年了,它有问题而且很糟糕.最后一根稻草是 IE8 beta 2 在 InternetGetLastResponseInfo() 中包含一个新错误.当我们的用户可以安装最新版本的 IE 并破坏我们的应用程序时,我再也无法证明使用 Wininet 是合理的了.

We have used Wininet for years and it's buggy and horrible. The last straw is the IE8 beta 2 contains a new bug in InternetGetLastResponseInfo(). I can no longer justify using Wininet when our users can install the latest version of IE and break our app.

我看过 libcurl,但它对我们的需求来说太重了.我唯一需要的是 FTP 支持.我可以花一天时间删除 libcurl 中我不需要的所有代码,但如果可能的话,我宁愿从一个不错的简单 FTP 客户端库开始.

I have looked at libcurl but it is way too heavy for our needs. The only thing I need is FTP support. I could spend a day stripping out all the code in libcurl I don't need, but I'd rather just start with a nice simple FTP client library, if possible.

我查看了 ftplib (http://nbpfaus.net/~pfau/ftplib/) 但它是 GPL,我需要它用于闭源商业应用程序.

I looked at ftplib (http://nbpfaus.net/~pfau/ftplib/) but it's GPL and I need this for a closed-source commercial app.

我以前写过 FTP 客户端代码,没那么难(可惜那是 15 年前的事了,我已经没有源代码了).必须有一个不错的简单免费客户端库,除了 FTP 什么都不做,并且有一个可以在闭源商业应用程序中使用的许可证.

I've written FTP client code before, it's not that hard (unfortunately it was 15 years ago and I don't have the source code anymore). There must be a nice simple free client library that does nothing but FTP and has a license that can be used in closed-source commercial apps.

(如果您好奇,错误是如果您尝试使用无法建立被动模式连接的 FTP 站点使用 FtpFindFirstFile(),InternetGetLastResponseInfo() 不会返回完整响应.这只是多年来我发现的许多错误之一.另一个是 Wininet 的 FTP 支持忽略所有超时值.这个特定的错误已经存在多年.)

(If you are curious, the bug is that if you attempt to FtpFindFirstFile() with an FTP site where you can't make a passive-mode connection, InternetGetLastResponseInfo() doesn't return the full response. This is just one of many bugs I've found over the years. Another is that Wininet's FTP support ignores all timeout values. That particular bug has existed for years.)


你需要Ultimate TCP/IP,现在免费!

You need Ultimate TCP/IP which is now free!



You get FTP. HTTP, SMTP, POP and more.

