在 C++ 中设置默认浮点打印精度

我想在比较期间控制双精度,然后用 C++ 恢复到默认精度.

I want to control the precision for a double during a comparison, and then come back to default precision, with C++.

我打算使用 setPrecision() 来设置精度.那么将精度设置回默认值的语法(如果有)是什么?

I intend to use setPrecision() to set precision. What is then syntax, if any, to set precision back to default?




I do some stuff, and I would like to come back to default double comparison right afterwards.


I modified like this, and I still have some errors

std::streamsize prec = std::ios_base::precision();

with cmath 在编译时为 false,而 std::ios_base 在编译时也为 false.你能帮忙吗?

with cmath false at compilation, and std::ios_base also false at compilation. Could you help?


你可以得到精度before你改变它,用 std::ios_base::precision 和然后使用它稍后将其更改回来.

You can get the precision before you change it, with std::ios_base::precision and then use that to change it back later.


You can see this in action with:

#include <ios>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

int main (void) {
    double d = 3.141592653589;
    std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision();
    std::cout << "Initial precision = " << ss << '

    std::cout << "Value = " << d << '

    std::cout.precision (10);
    std::cout << "Longer value = " << d << '

    std::cout.precision (ss);
    std::cout << "Original value = " << d << '

    std::cout << "Longer and original value = "
        << std::setprecision(10) << d << ' '
        << std::setprecision(ss) << d << '

    std::cout << "Original value = " << d << '

    return 0;


Initial precision = 6
Value = 3.14159
Longer value = 3.141592654
Original value = 3.14159
Longer and original value = 3.141592654 3.14159
Original value = 3.14159

上面的代码展示了两种设置精度的方法,第一种是调用std::cout.precision (N),第二种是使用流操作器std::setprecision(N).

The code above shows two ways of setting the precision, first by calling std::cout.precision (N) and second by using a stream manipulator std::setprecision(N).


But you need to keep in mind that the precision is for outputting values via streams, it does not directly affect comparisons of the values themselves with code like:

if (val1== val2) ...


In other words, even though the output may be 3.14159, the value itself is still the full 3.141592653590 (subject to normal floating point limitations, of course).


If you want to do that, you'll need to check if it's close enough rather than equal, with code such as:

if ((fabs (val1 - val2) < 0.0001) ...
