
2022-01-09 00:00:00 floating-point iostream c++

如何将 double 打印到流中,以便在读入时不会丢失精度?

How do you print a double to a stream so that when it is read in you don't lose precision?


std::stringstream ss;

double v = 0.1 * 0.1;
ss << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<T>::digits10) << v << " ";

double u;
ss >> u;
std::cout << "precision " << ((u == v) ? "retained" : "lost") << std::endl;


This did not work as I expected.

但我可以提高精度(这让我感到惊讶,因为我认为digits10 是所需的最大值).

But I can increase precision (which surprised me as I thought that digits10 was the maximum required).

ss << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<T>::digits10 + 2) << v << " ";
                                                 //    ^^^^^^ +2


It has to do with the number of significant digits and the first two don't count in (0.01).


So has anybody looked at representing floating point numbers exactly? What is the exact magical incantation on the stream I need to do?



The trouble was with my original version. There were non-significant digits in the string after the decimal point that affected the accuracy.


So to compensate for this we can use scientific notation to compensate:

ss << std::scientific
   << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1)
   << v;

这仍然不能解释 +1 的必要性.

This still does not explain the need for the +1 though.


Also if I print out the number with more precision I get more precision printed out!

std::cout << std::scientific << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10) << v << "
std::cout << std::scientific << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1) << v << "
std::cout << std::scientific << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits) << v << "



基于以下@Stephen Canon 的回答:

Based on @Stephen Canon answer below:

我们可以使用 printf() 格式化程序%a"或%A"准确地打印出来.为了在 C++ 中实现这一点,我们需要使用固定的和科学的操纵器(参见 n3225: 表 88)

We can print out exactly by using the printf() formatter, "%a" or "%A". To achieve this in C++ we need to use the fixed and scientific manipulators (see n3225: Table 88)

std::cout.flags(std::ios_base::fixed | std::ios_base::scientific);
std::cout << v;


template<typename T>
std::ostream& precise(std::ostream& stream)
    std::cout.flags(std::ios_base::fixed | std::ios_base::scientific);
    return stream;

std::ostream& preciselngd(std::ostream& stream){ return precise<long double>(stream);}
std::ostream& precisedbl(std::ostream& stream) { return precise<double>(stream);}
std::ostream& preciseflt(std::ostream& stream) { return precise<float>(stream);}

下一篇:我们如何处理 NaN/Inf?

Next: How do we handle NaN/Inf?



Don't print floating-point values in decimal if you don't want to lose precision. Even if you print enough digits to represent the number exactly, not all implementations have correctly-rounded conversions to/from decimal strings over the entire floating-point range, so you may still lose precision.

改用十六进制浮点数.在 C 中:

Use hexadecimal floating point instead. In C:

", yourNumber);

C++0x 为执行相同操作的 iostream 提供 hexfloat 操纵器(在某些平台上,使用 std::hex 修饰符具有相同的结果,但这不是一个可移植的假设).

C++0x provides the hexfloat manipulator for iostreams that does the same thing (on some platforms, using the std::hex modifier has the same result, but this is not a portable assumption).


Using hex floating point is preferred for several reasons.

首先,打印的值总是准确的.在写入或读取以这种方式格式化的值时不会发生舍入.除了准确性优势之外,这意味着使用经过良好调整的 I/O 库可以更快地读取和写入此类值.它们还需要更少的数字来准确表示值.

First, the printed value is always exact. No rounding occurs in writing or reading a value formatted in this way. Beyond the accuracy benefits, this means that reading and writing such values can be faster with a well tuned I/O library. They also require fewer digits to represent values exactly.
