
2022-01-07 00:00:00 binary stream c++

目前我有一个程序可以将二进制数据加载到字符串流中,然后将数据传递到 fstream,如下所示:

Currently i have a program that loads binary data into a stringstream and then pases the data to a fstream like so:

stringstream ss(stringstream::binary | stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
ss.write(data, 512);  // Loads data into stream

// Uses a memory block to pass the data between the streams
char* memBlock = new char[512];
ss.read(memBlock, 512);

ofstream fout("someFile.bin", ios::binary);
fout.write(memBlock, 512);  // Writes the data to a file

delete[] memBlock;


My question is: is there a better way to pass the binary data between the streams?


使用streambuf 成员,这就是它们的用途:

Use the streambuf members, that's what they are for:

fout << ss.rdbuf();
