
2022-01-08 00:00:00 exception c++

在函数签名中使用 C++ throw 关键字被认为是不好的做法的技术原因是什么?

What is the technical reason why it is considered bad practice to use the C++ throw keyword in a function signature?

bool some_func() throw(myExc)
  if (problem_occurred) 
    throw myExc("problem occurred");



No, it is not considered good practice. On the contrary, it is generally considered a bad idea.

http://www.gotw.ca/publications/mill22.htm 去详细了解原因,但问题部分在于编译器无法强制执行此操作,因此必须在运行时检查它,这通常是不可取的.并且在任何情况下都没有得到很好的支持.(MSVC 忽略异常规范,除了 throw(),它解释为保证不会抛出异常.

http://www.gotw.ca/publications/mill22.htm goes into a lot more detail about why, but the problem is partly that the compiler is unable to enforce this, so it has to be checked at runtime, which is usually undesirable. And it is not well supported in any case. (MSVC ignores exception specifications, except throw(), which it interprets as a guarantee that no exception will be thrown.
