使用`cin >>后使用`getline(cin, s);`n;`

2022-01-07 00:00:00 stream c++
int n;
std::cin >> n;

std::string s = "";
std::getline(cin, s);

我注意到如果我使用 cin,我的程序会在下次到达 getline(cin, rangeInput) 行时挂起.

I noticed that if I use cin, my program would hang the next time I reach the line getline(cin, rangeInput).

既然 getline() 正在使用 cin,那么如果我以前使用过 cin,这是否会导致程序挂起?使用cin后想得到一行怎么办?

Since getline() is using cin, is that why it is causing the program to hang if I have previously used cin? What should I do if I want to get a line after using cin?


您需要清除输入流 - 尝试在您的 cin 后添加以下内容:

You need to clear the input stream - try adding the following after your cin:

cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '

this 问题的公认答案很好地解释了为什么/当需要时.

The accepted answer to this question gives a good explanation of why/when this is required.
