聚合“BIGNUM foo"的类型不完整,无法定义

2022-01-07 00:00:00 openssl makefile c++

我尝试编译 opendcp,但发生错误.

I tried to compile opendcp, but error occurred.

$ make


[ 10%] Building CXX object libasdcp/CMakeFiles/opendcp-asdcp.dir/KM_prng.cpp.o
/home/jwel/opendcp/libasdcp/KM_prng.cpp: In function ‘void Kumu::Gen_FIPS_186_Value(const byte_t*, ui32_t, byte_t*, ui32_t)’:
/home/jwel/opendcp/libasdcp/KM_prng.cpp:219:10: error: aggregate ‘BIGNUM c_2powb’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined
   BIGNUM c_2powb, c_2, c_b;
/home/jwel/opendcp/libasdcp/KM_prng.cpp:219:19: error: aggregate ‘BIGNUM c_2’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined
   BIGNUM c_2powb, c_2, c_b;
/home/jwel/opendcp/libasdcp/KM_prng.cpp:219:24: error: aggregate ‘BIGNUM c_b’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined
   BIGNUM c_2powb, c_2, c_b;
/home/jwel/opendcp/libasdcp/KM_prng.cpp:220:19: error: ‘BN_init’ was not declared in this scope
   BN_init(&c_2powb);  BN_init(&c_2);  BN_init(&c_b);
/home/jwel/opendcp/libasdcp/KM_prng.cpp:248:14: error: aggregate ‘BIGNUM bn_tmp’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined
       BIGNUM bn_tmp, bn_xkey, bn_x_n;
/home/jwel/opendcp/libasdcp/KM_prng.cpp:248:22: error: aggregate ‘BIGNUM bn_xkey’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined
       BIGNUM bn_tmp, bn_xkey, bn_x_n;
/home/jwel/opendcp/libasdcp/KM_prng.cpp:248:31: error: aggregate ‘BIGNUM bn_x_n’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined
       BIGNUM bn_tmp, bn_xkey, bn_x_n;
libasdcp/CMakeFiles/opendcp-asdcp.dir/build.make:110: recipe for target 'libasdcp/CMakeFiles/opendcp-asdcp.dir/KM_prng.cpp.o' failed
make[2]: *** [libasdcp/CMakeFiles/opendcp-asdcp.dir/KM_prng.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [libasdcp/CMakeFiles/opendcp-asdcp.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

对我来说这看起来像是 openssl 问题,所以我试着测试这个:

It looks like openssl problem for me, so I tried to test this:

$ cat testBIGNUM.cpp
#include <openssl/bn.h>
int main(){
    BIGNUM bn;

$ g++ testBIGNUM.cpp
testBIGNUM.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
testBIGNUM.cpp:4:9: error: aggregate ‘BIGNUM bn’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined
  BIGNUM bn;

我的 openssl 版本是 1.1.0d-2,我不知道如何修复它.

my openssl version is 1.1.0d-2 and I don't know how to fix it.


OpenSSL 1.0.2 和 OpenSSL 1.1.0 之间有很大的变化,它们并不完全兼容源代码.特别是 1.0.2 头文件中的许多数据结构现在是不透明的.使用 OpenSSL 的应用程序需要进行一些小的更改才能兼容.

There were big changes between OpenSSL 1.0.2 and OpenSSL 1.1.0 and they are not fully source compatible. Specifically many data structures which were in the 1.0.2 header files are now opaque. Applications that use OpenSSL need to make some small changes to be compatible.


In the case of BIGNUM, you need to do it like this:

#include <openssl/bn.h>
int main() {
    BIGNUM *bn;

    bn = BN_new();


    return 0;

对于 opendcp,答案可能只是降级到 OpenSSL 1.0.2.

In the case of opendcp probably the answer is to just downgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2 instead.
