
2022-01-07 00:00:00 containers c++ adapter stl

什么是容器/适配器?我对 C++ 及其子主题(如(类/模板/STL)有基本的了解.

What are containers/adapters? I have basic knowledge of C++ and its sub-topics like (class/templates/STL).


Can anyone please explain in layman's language and give me a practical example of the application of containers/adapters?


C++ 技术性强,难懂 :-D</joke>

<joke>C++ is technical and hard to understand :-D</joke>

容器是来自 STL 的数据类型,可以包含数据.

Containers are data types from STL that can contain data.

示例:vector 作为动态数组

适配器是来自 STL 的数据类型,用于适应容器以提供特定接口.

Adapters are data types from STL that adapt a container to provide specific interface.

示例:stack 在所选容器的顶部提供堆栈接口

Example: stack providing stack interface on top of the chosen container


(side note: both are actually templates not data types, but the definition looks better this way)
