将 ostream 转换为标准字符串

2022-01-07 00:00:00 iostream c++ stl

我对 C++ STL 很陌生,所以这可能是微不足道的.我有一个 ostream 变量,其中包含一些文本.

I am very new to the C++ STL, so this may be trivial. I have a ostream variable with some text in it.

ostream* pout;
(*pout) << "Some Text";

有没有办法提取流并将其存储在 char* 类型的字符串中?

Is there a way to extract the stream and store it in a string of type char*?


     std::ostringstream stream;
     stream << "Some Text";
     std::string str =  stream.str();
     const char* chr = str.c_str();


And I explain what's going on in the answer to this question, which I wrote not an hour ago.
