
2022-01-07 00:00:00 visual-studio c++ stl

试图了解更多关于标准库是如何实现的,我正在检查 Visual Studio 中的所有容器.在这里我看到了一些奇怪的结构:

trying to learn more about how the standard library is actually implemented I'm inspecting all containers in visual studio.. Here I see some curious structure:


In some base class of a std::list<> The following typedef is found

typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_Ty>::other _Alty;

其中_Alloc"对应于分配器模板参数(和 _Ty 包含的类型).我很难找到对这个关键字"的一个很好的解释.到目前为止我发现的最好的事情是它是分配器接口的一部分.尽管即使 cppreference 也不能很好地解释这一点.

Where "_Alloc" corresponds with the allocator template argument (and _Ty the contained type). I have trouble finding a good explanation of this "keyword". Best thing I've found so far is that it is part of the allocator interface. Though even cppreference isn't very good in explaining this.


What does this template rebind<> do? And why is it necessary at that location?


_Alloc 模板用于获取某种类型的对象.容器可能需要分配不同类型的对象.例如,当您有一个 std::list 时,分配器 A 旨在分配 T 类型的对象,但是std::list 实际上需要分配一些节点类型的对象.调用节点类型 _Tystd::list 需要为正在使用的 _Ty 对象获取分配器A 提供的分配机制.使用

The _Alloc template is used to obtain objects of some type. The container may have an internal need to allocate objects of a different type. For example, when you have a std::list<T, A>, the allocator A is meant to allocate objects of type T but the std::list<T, A> actually needs to allocate objects of some node type. Calling the node type _Ty, the std::list<T, A> needs to get hold of an allocator for _Ty objects which is using the allocation mechanism provided by A. Using

typename _A::template rebind<_Ty>::other


specifies the corresponding type. Now, there are a few syntactic annoyances in this declaration:

  1. 由于 rebind_A 的成员模板,_A 是模板参数,所以 rebind 成为一个依赖名称.要表明依赖名称是模板,它需要以template 为前缀.如果没有 template 关键字,< 将被视为小于运算符.
  2. 名称 other 也依赖于模板参数,即它也是一个依赖名称.要指示从属名称是一种类型,需要 typename 关键字.
  1. Since rebind is a member template of _A and _A is a template argument, the rebind becomes a dependent name. To indicate that a dependent name is a template, it needs to be prefixed by template. Without the template keyword the < would be considered to be the less-than operator.
  2. The name other also depends on a template argument, i.e., it is also a dependent name. To indicate that a dependent name is a type, the typename keyword is needed.
