C++ STL:STL 容器上的哪种迭代方法更好?

2022-01-07 00:00:00 containers iterator c++ stl

这对你们中的一些人来说可能看起来很无聊,但是以下两种在 STL 容器上迭代的方法中哪一种更好?为什么?

This may seem frivolous to some of you, but which of the following 2 methods of iteration over a STL container is better? Why?

class Elem;
typedef vector<Elem> ElemVec;
ElemVec elemVec;

// Method 0
for (ElemVec::iterator i = elemVec.begin(); i != elemVec.end(); ++i)
    Elem& e = *i;
    // Do something

// Method 1
for (int i = 0; i < elemVec.size(); ++i)
    Elem& e = elemVec.at(i);
    // Do something

方法 0 似乎更简洁的 STL,但方法 1 使用较少的代码实现了相同的效果.容器上的简单迭代是all出现在任何源代码中的地方.所以,我倾向于选择方法 1,它似乎减少了视觉混乱和代码大小.

Method 0 seems like cleaner STL, but Method 1 achieves the same with lesser code. Simple iteration over a container is what appears all over the place in any source code. So, I'm inclined to pick Method 1 which seems to reduce visual clutter and code size.


PS: I know iterators can do much more than a simple index. But, please keep the reply/discussion focused on simple iteration over a container like shown above.



The first version works with any container and so is more useful in template functions that take any container a s a parameter. It is also conceivably slightly more efficient, even for vectors.

第二个版本仅适用于向量和其他整数索引容器.对于那些容器来说,它更符合习惯,对于 C++ 的新手来说很容易理解,并且如果您需要对索引做其他事情(这并不罕见)很有用.

The second version only works for vectors and other integer-indexed containers. It'd somewhat more idiomatic for those containers, will be easily understood by newcomers to C++, and is useful if you need to do something else with the index, which is not uncommon.


As usual, there is no simple "this one is better" answer, I'm afraid.
