你如何通过 STL 列表向后迭代?

2022-01-07 00:00:00 list iterator traversal c++ stl

我正在编写一些 Windows 和 Mac 之间的跨平台代码.

I'm writing some cross-platform code between Windows and Mac.

如果 list::end() 返回一个迭代器,该迭代器寻址列表中最后一个元素之后的位置"并且可以在向前遍历列表时进行检查,那么向后遍历的最佳方法是什么?

If list::end() "returns an iterator that addresses the location succeeding the last element in a list" and can be checked when traversing a list forward, what is the best way to traverse backwards?

此代码适用于 Mac,但不适用于 Windows(不能递减超过第一个元素):

This code workson the Mac but not on Windows (can't decrement beyond first element):

list<DVFGfxObj*>::iterator iter = m_Objs.end();
for (iter--; iter!=m_Objs.end(); iter--)// By accident discovered that the iterator is circular ?

这适用于 Windows:

this works on Windows:

list<DVFGfxObj*>::iterator iter = m_Objs.end();
    } while (*iter != *m_Objs.begin());

是否有另一种可以在 for 循环中实现的向后遍历方法?

Is there another way to traverse backward that could be implemented in a for loop?


使用 reverse_iterator 而不是 iterator.使用 rbegin() &rend() 而不是 begin() &end().

Use reverse_iterator instead of iterator. Use rbegin() & rend() instead of begin() & end().

另一种可能性,如果您喜欢使用BOOST_FOREACH宏就是使用Boost 1.36.0引入的BOOST_REVERSE_FOREACH宏.

Another possibility, if you like using the BOOST_FOREACH macro is to use the BOOST_REVERSE_FOREACH macro introduced in Boost 1.36.0.
