按索引访问的 STL 双端队列是 O(1)?
我读过可以在 STL 双端队列中在恒定时间内按位置索引访问元素.据我所知,双端队列中的元素可能存储在几个不连续的位置,从而消除了通过指针算法的安全访问.例如:
I've read that accessing elements by position index can be done in constant time in a STL deque. As far as I know, elements in a deque may be stored in several non-contiguous locations, eliminating safe access through pointer arithmetic. For example:
上述双端队列的元素由单个字符组成.一组中的字符集表示它被分配在连续的内存中(例如 abc 在单个内存块中,defhi 位于另一个内存块中,等等).任何人都可以解释如何在恒定时间内按位置索引进行访问,特别是如果要访问的元素在第二个块中?或者双端队列是否有指向块组的指针?
The elements of the deque above consists of a single character. The set of characters in one group indicate it is allocated in contiguous memory (e.g. abc is in a single block of memory, defhi is located in another block of memory, etc.). Can anyone explain how accessing by position index can be done in constant time, especially if the element to be accessed is in the second block? Or does a deque have a pointer to the group of blocks?
Update: Or is there any other common implementation for a deque?
我从 维基百科:
Storing contents in multiple smaller arrays, allocating additional arrays at the beginning or end as needed. Indexing is implemented by keeping a dynamic array containing pointers to each of the smaller arrays.
I guess it answers my question.