迭代器的类型:输出 vs. 输入 vs. 前向 vs. 随机访问迭代器

2022-01-07 00:00:00 iterator c++ stl

C++ STL 有多少种迭代器?到目前为止,我知道这些:

How many types of iterators are there in C++ STL? As of now, I know of these:

  • 输出迭代器
  • 输入迭代器
  • 前向迭代器
  • 随机访问迭代器


Are there more? What are the differences between them? What are the limitations and characteristics of each? Which type is used when?


如果可以,请查找并阅读C++ 标准库:教程和参考".本书包含一整章关于 STL 迭代器的内容.

If you can, find and read "The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference". This book contains a whole chapter about STL iterators.


Iterator Category  Ability                          Providers
-----------------  -------------------------------  ----------------------------
Input iterator     Reads forward                    istream
Output iterator    Writes forward                   ostream, inserter
Forward iterator   Reads/writes forward             forward_list,
Bidirectional it.  Reads/writes forward/backward    list, [multi]set, [multi]map
Random access it.  Reads/writes with random access  vector, deque string, array 
