为什么 C++ 不能从赋值推导出模板类型?

2022-01-07 00:00:00 templates c++ stl

int x = fromString("test") :无法推导出ValueType"的模板参数

int x = fromString("test") :按预期工作正常


So why does the compiler struggle here? I see it with all kinds of real template functions, not just this silly example. It must be a feature of the language, but what?


C++ 不对返回值进行类型推断.即,它被分配给 int 的事实不用于模板参数推导.

C++ doesn't do type inference on the return value. I.e., the fact that it is being assigned to an int isn't used in template parameter deduction.


(Removed edit, since someone else presented the overloaded cast solution already.)
