std::make_pair 与 std::pair 的构造函数的目的是什么?

2022-01-07 00:00:00 c++ stl std-pair

std::make_pair 的目的是什么?

为什么不直接做 std::pair(0, 'a')?


Is there any difference between the two methods?


区别在于 std::pair 需要指定两个元素的类型,而 std::make_pair 将创建一个带有传递给它的元素类型的对,而无需您告诉它.无论如何,这就是我可以从各种文档中收集到的信息.

The difference is that with std::pair you need to specify the types of both elements, whereas std::make_pair will create a pair with the type of the elements that are passed to it, without you needing to tell it. That's what I could gather from various docs anyways.

从 中查看此示例/utility/make_pair/

pair <int,int> one;
pair <int,int> two;

one = make_pair (10,20);
two = make_pair (10.5,'A'); // ok: implicit conversion from pair<double,char>

除了它的隐式转换奖励,如果你没有使用 make_pair 你就必须这样做

Aside from the implicit conversion bonus of it, if you didn't use make_pair you'd have to do

one = pair<int,int>(10,20)


every time you assigned to one, which would be annoying over time...
