boost 是否具有比 STL 更简单的集合操作数据类型?
我发现 C++ STL 方法进行简单的集合操作使用起来非常笨拙.例如,求两个集合的差:
I find the C++ STL method of doing simple set operations quite clunky to use. For example, to find the difference between two sets:
std::set<int> newUserIds;
set_difference(currentUserIds.begin(), currentUserIds.end(), mPreviousUserIds.begin(), mPreviousUserIds.end(), std::inserter(newUserIds, newUserIds.end()));
std::set<int> missingUserIds;
set_difference(mPreviousUserIds.begin(), mPreviousUserIds.end(), currentUserIds.begin(), currentUserIds.end(), std::inserter(missingUserIds, missingUserIds.end()));
mPreviousUserIds = currentUserIds;
boost 是否提供了一组替代类,可以将上述示例简化为如下所示:
Does boost offer an alternative set of classes that would reduce the above example to something like this:
set_type<int> newUserIds = currentUserIds.difference(mPreviousUserIds);
set_type<int> missingUserIds = mPreviousUserIds.difference(currentUserIds);
(类似于 Qt 中的 QSet,它覆盖了 operator-
(Similar to QSet in Qt which overrides operator-
in this way.)
参见 提升范围集算法.尽管如此,他们仍然希望有一个输出迭代器.
See Boost Range Set algorithms. They still expect an output iterator though.