std:map 中的浮点键

2022-01-07 00:00:00 floating-point c++ stl

下面的代码应该在存在的 std::map 中找到键 3.0.但由于浮点精度,它不会被找到.

The following code is supposed to find the key 3.0in a std::map which exists. But due to floating point precision it won't be found.

map<double, double> mymap;
mymap[3.0] = 1.0;

double t = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < 31; i++)
  t += 0.1;
  bool contains = (mymap.count(t) > 0);

在上面的例子中,contains 总是false.我目前的解决方法是将 t 乘以 0.1 而不是添加 0.1,如下所示:

In the above example, contains will always be false. My current workaround is just multiply t by 0.1 instead of adding 0.1, like this:

for(int i = 0; i < 31; i++)
  t = 0.1 * i;
  bool contains = (mymap.count(t) > 0);


如果我使用 double 键,有没有办法向 std::map 引入模糊比较?浮点数比较的常见解决方案通常类似于 a-b <;epsilon.但是我没有看到使用 std::map 来做到这一点的直接方法.我真的必须将 double 类型封装在一个类中并覆盖 operator<(...) 来实现这个功能吗?

Is there a way to introduce a fuzzyCompare to the std::map if I use double keys? The common solution for floating point number comparison is usually something like a-b < epsilon. But I don't see a straightforward way to do this with std::map. Do I really have to encapsulate the double type in a class and overwrite operator<(...) to implement this functionality?



You could implement own compare function.

#include <functional>

class own_double_less : public std::binary_function<double,double,bool>
  own_double_less( double arg_ = 1e-7 ) : epsilon(arg_) {}
  bool operator()( const double &left, const double &right  ) const
    // you can choose other way to make decision
    // (The original version is: return left < right;) 
    return (abs(left - right) > epsilon) && (left < right);
  double epsilon;
// your map:
map<double,double,own_double_less> mymap;

更新:参见有效 STL 中的第 40 项!根据建议更新.

Updated: see Item 40 in Effective STL! Updated based on suggestions.
