列出 C/C++ 函数(Unix 中的代码分析)

2022-01-06 00:00:00 c code-analysis c++ grep

无论我们是维护不熟悉的代码还是检查 Apache 模块的实现细节,如果我们能够快速遍历代码并构建我们正在查看的内容的概述,它都会有所帮助.Grep 满足了我大部分的日常需求,但在某些情况下它无法满足.

Whether we're maintaining unfamiliar code or checking out the implementation details of an Apache module it can help if we can quickly traverse the code and build up an overview of what we're looking at. Grep serves most of my daily needs but there are some cases where it just wont do.

以下是它如何提供帮助的一个常见示例.要找到我感兴趣的 PHP 函数的定义,我可以在命令行中输入:

Here's a common example of how it can help. To find the definition of a PHP function I'm interested in I can type this at the command line:

grep -r "function myfunc" .

如果我们知道返回类型,这可以很快适应 C 或 C++,但如果我想列出我的类提供的每个方法,事情就会变得更加复杂:

This could be adapted very quickly to C or C++ if we know the return type, but things become more complicated if, say, I want to list every method that my class provides:

grep "function " ./src/mine.class.php

由于在 C++ 中没有表示函数或方法的单个关键字,而且因为它通常是更复杂的语法,我想我需要某种静态代码分析工具、C 预处理器的巧妙使用或编码器遵循的盲目信仰严格的代码准则(空格数、卷曲位置等)以获得此类结果.

Since there's no single keyword that denotes a function or method in C++ and because it's generally more complex syntax, I think I'd need some kind of static code analysis tool, smart use of the C Preprocessor or blind faith the coder followed strict code guidelines (# of whitespace, position of curlies etc) to get these sorts of results.



通过 doxygen 运行.它会抱怨没有注释,但它仍然会生成调用图并列出所有函数.以 HTML 格式显示,并带有用于跟踪代码路径的链接.

Run it through doxygen. It will complain about lack of commenting , but it will still produce call graphs and list all the functions. Presented in HTML with links to follow code paths.

