
2022-01-06 00:00:00 windows performance c++ bitmap gdi

是否有比下面的代码更有效的方式来获取 Windows 桌面的副本(使用 GDI 或任何其他库)

Is there a more efficient way of getting a copy of the windows desktop ( using GDI or any other library ) than the code below

HDC      dcDesktop;
HDC         dcMem;
HBITMAP     hbmpMem;
HBITMAP     hOriginal;
BITMAP      bmpDesktopCopy;

dcDesktop   = GetDC( GetDesktopWindow() ); 
dcMem       = CreateCompatibleDC( dcDesktop );
hbmpMem     = CreateCompatibleBitmap( dcMem, m_lWidth, m_lHeight );

BitBlt( dcMem, 0, 0, m_lWidth, m_lHeight, dcDesktop, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );

// Copy the hbmpMem to the desktop copy
GetObject(hbmpMem, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPSTR)&bmpDesktopCopy);



此页面有几种不同的截屏方式.他们使用的 DirectX 方法似乎很简单.

This page has a couple different ways to take screenshots. The DirectX method they use seems simple enough.


Aside from what's mentioned in that article, I don't think there's any more an efficient method of capturing the desktop.
