如何在 C++ 中初始化私有静态常量映射?

2022-01-05 00:00:00 initialization static constants c++ map

我只需要字典或关联数组 string => int.

I need just dictionary or associative array string => int.

这种情况下有类型映射 C++.

There is type map C++ for this case.

但我只需要一张地图用于所有实例(-> 静态),而这张地图无法更改(-> const);

But I need only one map forall instances(-> static) and this map can't be changed(-> const);

我在 boost 库中找到了这种方式

I have found this way with boost library

 std::map<int, char> example = 
      boost::assign::map_list_of(1, 'a') (2, 'b') (3, 'c');


Is there other solution without this lib? I have tried something like this, but there are always some issues with map initialization.

class myClass{
    static map<int,int> create_map()
          map<int,int> m;
          m[1] = 2;
          m[3] = 4;
          m[5] = 6;
          return m;
    static map<int,int> myMap =  create_map();



#include <map>
using namespace std;

struct A{
    static map<int,int> create_map()
          map<int,int> m;
          m[1] = 2;
          m[3] = 4;
          m[5] = 6;
          return m;
    static const map<int,int> myMap;


const map<int,int> A:: myMap =  A::create_map();

int main() {
