进入时如何跳过VS 2008中的常见类?

如何在单步调试时跳过 VS 2008 调试器中的常见类?

How can I skip common classes in VS 2008 debugger when stepping in?

例如,我不希望调试器进入任何 std:: 类.我怎样才能做到这一点?

For example, I do not want debugger to step into any of the std:: classes. How can I achieve that?

我在 VS 2005 及更早版本中找到了这样做的方法,但在 2008 年没有

I've found ways of doing this in VS 2005 and earlier, but not 2008


你可以通过在注册表中输入条目来做到这一点(我知道,这很糟糕).您正在寻找的密钥从 32 位到 64 位系统不等.对于 32 位系统,关键是

You can do this by entering entries into the registry (I know, it sucks). The key you are looking for varies from 32 to 64 bit systems. For 32-bit systems the key is


如果您运行的是 64 位操作系统和 32 位 Visual Studio,那么关键是

If you're running a 64 bit OS and a 32 bit Visual Studio the key is


Wow6432Node 键是一个 在 64 位系统上运行的 32 位应用程序的密钥.(旁注:在注册表中搜索_RTC_CheckEsp"可能会将您带到正确的位置,它是 Visual Studio 9 中的默认条目)

The Wow6432Node key is a key present for 32 bit applications running on 64 bit systems. (Sidenote: searching the registry for "_RTC_CheckEsp" probably will lead you to the right place, it's a default entry in Visual Studio 9)

您应该熟悉该语法,但作为示例,一个简单的条目可以是字符串值 boost::.*=NoStepInto,这将避免调试器进入 Boost.请参阅 http://www.cprogramming.com/debugging/visual-studio-msvc-debugging-NoStepInto.html 其他一些示例.

The syntax should be familiar to you, but as an example, a simple entry could be string value boost::.*=NoStepInto which will avoid the debugger to step into Boost. See http://www.cprogramming.com/debugging/visual-studio-msvc-debugging-NoStepInto.html for some other examples.

