使用 Visual C++ 2008 在调试模式下找不到 MSVCR90D.dll

我在使用 Visual C++ 2008 时遇到了问题.我已经安装了 opencv 并且我创建了一个新程序并且我没有错误地构建它.但是,它抱怨在调试时找不到 MSVCR90D.dll.在发布模式下完全没有问题.

I have a problem with Visual C++ 2008. I have installed opencv and I've created a new program and I build it with no errors. However, it complains about not finding MSVCR90D.dll when debugging. In release mode there is no problem at all.

我在 Winsxs 文件夹之一中有 MSVCR90D.dll.有谁知道解决这个问题的方法?这是一个已知的错误?

I do have MSVCR90D.dll in one of Winsxs folders. Does anyone know a get-around to this problem? Is this a known bug?



在此 论坛帖子.看看这些是否有帮助.

There are several potential solutions described in this forum post. See if any of those help.


转到 %System Drive%WindowsWinSxS并查找目录x86_Microsoft.VC90.DebugCRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.21022.8_x-ww_597c3456

Go to %System Drive%WindowsWinSxS and look for the directory x86_Microsoft.VC90.DebugCRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.21022.8_x-ww_597c3456

如果不存在,请转到VS设置并确保您拥有所有安装在 VC++ 下的库.

If this doesn't exist, go to the VS setup and make sure you have all libraries installed under VC++.



I had the same problem, but fixed it by turning off incremental linking (Project properties... Linker... General... Enable Incremental Linking: No).



Projects built on a software-mounted drive complain about a missing MSVCR90D.dll. The problem goes away if you turn off incremental linking (and rebuild all, of course).
