在 Visual Studio 中链接发布中的库和调试中的 .exe 崩溃

我使用的是 Visual C++ 2008 SP1.我有一个在调试模式下编译的应用程序,但在发布模式下链接到一个库.

I'm using Visual C++ 2008 SP1. I have an app that is compiled in debug mode, but links against a library in release mode.

我在应用程序启动时崩溃了.为了使问题更小,我创建了一个包含 2 个项目的简单解决方案:

I'm getting a crash at the start-up of the application. To make the problem smaller, I created a simple solution with 2 projects:

  • lib_release(在发布模式下生成 .lib)
  • exec_using_lib_release(在调试模式下生成一个 .exe)

'lib_release' 项目很简单,有一个简单的类:

The 'lib_release' project is simple enough to have a simple class:

#include <vector>
class Foo {
  std::vector<int> v;
  void doSomething();
#include "Foo.h"
void Foo::doSomething() {}

'exec_using_lib_release' 项目很简单:

The 'exec_using_lib_release' project is simple like this:

#include "Foo.h"
int main() {
   Foo foo;
   return 0;

它崩溃了,这与 您如何针对发布版本构建的库 (MSVCRT.lib) 构建调试 .exe (MSVCRTD.lib)?,但他的回答不适用于我.

And it crashes, it's the same problem reported by How do you build a debug .exe (MSVCRTD.lib) against a release built lib (MSVCRT.lib)?, but his answer didn't work for me.


I get the same linker warnings, I tried the same steps, but none worked. Is there something I'm missing?

在 lib_release(在发布模式下创建库),我使用 多线程 (/MT),而在 exec_using_lib_release,我使用 多线程调试 (/MTd).我认为这是预期的方式,因为我希望在没有调试信息的情况下创建 .lib.我在 阅读文档MSDN Runtime library 以及这些都是静态链接CRT的设置.

On the lib_release (that creates a library in release mode), I'm using Multi Threaded (/MT), and at the exec_using_lib_release, I'm using Multi Threaded Debug (/MTd). I think this is the expected way of doing it, since I want the .lib to be created without debug info. I read the document at MSDN Runtime library and those are the settings of linking against the CRT in a static way.


I don't have 'Common Language Runtime Support' either.



You don't have to use the same runtimes for release and debug modules (but it helps), as long as you follow very specific rules: never mix and ,match accessing the memory allocated using each runtime.

更简单地说,如果您在 dll 中有一个例程分配一些内存并将其返回给调用者,则调用者绝不能释放它――您必须在原始 dll 中创建一个释放内存的函数.这样您就可以避免运行时不匹配.

To put this more simply, if you have a routine in a dll that allocates some memory and returns it to the caller, the caller must never free it - you must create a function in the original dll that frees the memory. That way you're safe from runtime mismatches.

如果您认为 Windows dll 只是构建发布版(除非您拥有 Windows 的调试版本),但您在调试应用程序中使用它们,您就会明白这有多重要.

If you consider that the Windows dlls are built release only (unless you have the debug version of Windows), yet you use them from your debug applications, you'll see how this matters.

您现在的问题是您使用的是静态库,不再有 dll 边界,并且库中的调用是使用静态版本的 C 运行时编译的.如果您的 exe 使用运行时的动态 dll 版本,您会发现链接器正在使用该版本而不是您使用的静态库...并且您会崩溃.

Your problem now is that you're using a static library, there is no dll boundary anymore, and the calls in the lib are compiled using the static version of the C runtime. If your exe uses the dynamic dll version of the runtime, you'll find that the linker is using that one instead of the one your static lib used... and you'll get crashes.

所以,你可以将你的 lib 重建为一个 dll;或者您可以确保它们都使用相同的 CRT 库;或者您可以确保它们都使用相同类型的 CRT - 即 dll 版本或静态版本,同时保持调试/发布差异.

So, you could rebuild your lib as a dll; or you could make sure they both use the same CRT library; or you could make sure they both use the same type of CRT - ie the dll version or the static version, whilst keeping debug/release differences.

至少,我认为这是您的问题 - 代码生成、运行时库"设置是什么?

At least, I think this is your problem - what are the 'code generation, runtime library' settings?
