包含引用的 STL 映射无法编译
std::map<int, ClassA &> test;
error C2101: '&' on constant
std::map<ClassA &, int> test;
error C2528: '_First' : pointer to reference is illegal
后者似乎 map 不能包含键值的引用,因为它有时需要实例化类,并且没有对象就无法实例化引用.但是为什么第一种情况不起作用?
The latter seems like map cannot contain a reference for the key value, since it needs to instantiate the class sometimes and a reference cannot be instantiated without an object. But why does the first case not work?
在 stl 容器中存储引用是非法的,因为类型必须是可复制构造和可分配的.无法分配引用.
It is illegal to store references in an stl container, because types must be copy constructible and assignable. References can not be assigned.
Exactly what operation causes the first error is implementation dependent, but I image that it is related to creating a reference and not assigning it immediately. The second error message looks like its actually related to building the map index.
If your type is small, you can copy it into the map, or if it is large consider using pointers instead, but remember that the container will not deallocate the objects for you, you'll have to do that explicitly yourself.
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