
2022-01-05 00:00:00 reference c++


Is this a valid way to create an assignment operator with members that are references?

#include <new>

struct A
    int &ref;
    A(int &Ref) : ref(Ref) { }
    A(const A &second) : ref(second.ref) { }
    A &operator =(const A &second)
        if(this == &second)
            return *this;
        new(this) A(second);
        return *this;

它似乎编译和运行良好,但是由于 c++ 倾向于在最不期望的情况下显示未定义的行为,而且所有的人都说这是不可能的,我想我错过了一些问题.我错过了什么吗?

It seems to compile and run fine, but with c++ tendency to surface undefined behavior when least expected, and all the people that say its impossible, I think there is some gotcha I missed. Did I miss anything?


它在语法上是正确的.但是,如果放置 new 抛出,您最终得到一个你无法破坏的对象.更别说灾难了如果有人从你的班级派生出来.只是不要这样做.

It's syntactically correct. If the placement new throws, however, you end up with an object you can't destruct. Not to mention the disaster if someone derives from your class. Just don't do it.


The solution is simple: if the class needs to support assignment, don't use any reference members. I have a lot of classes which take reference arguments, but store them as pointers, just so the class can support assignment. Something like:

struct A
    int* myRef;
    A( int& ref ) : myRef( &ref ) {}
    // ...
