从 C++ 中的 const 成员函数修改引用成员

2022-01-05 00:00:00 reference constants c++


I am working on const-correctness of my code and just wondered why this code compiles:

class X
    int x;
    int& y;
    X(int& _y):y(_y)
void f(int& newY) const
        //x = 3; would not work, that's fine
        y = newY; //does compile. Why?

int main(int argc, char **argv) 
    int i1=0, i2=0;
    X myX(i1);

据我所知,f() 正在改变对象 myX,尽管它说是 const.当我分配给 y 时,如何确保我的编译器抱怨?(Visual C++ 2008)

As far as I understand, f() is changing the object myX, although it says to be const. How can I ensure my compiler complains when I do assign to y? (Visual C++ 2008)



因为您没有更改 X 中的任何变量.实际上,您正在更改 _y ,它是您班级的局外人.别忘了:

Because you are not changing any variable in X. Actually, you are changing _y which is an outsider with respect to your class. Don't forget that:

y = newY;

正在将 newY 的值分配给 y 指向的变量,而不是它们本身的引用.仅在初始化时考虑引用.

Is assigning the value of newY to the variable pointed by y, but not the references them selves. Only on initialization the references are considered.
