c ++将const对象引用传递给函数

2022-01-05 00:00:00 reference constants c++

错误:将const QByteArray"作为QByteArray&"的this"参数传递;QByteArray::append(const QByteArray&)' 丢弃限定符 [-fpermissive]

error: passing 'const QByteArray' as 'this' argument of 'QByteArray& QByteArray::append(const QByteArray&)' discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]

因为在作为函数参数传递时使对象成为 const 是一种约定,所以我已经这样做了.但现在我收到一个错误!!,我不想使函数保持不变,因为我必须将 qbyte 数组中的数据转换为 short,然后将其附加到另一个数组.

since it is a convention to make objects const while passing as function arguments i have done it. but now i am getting an error!!, i dnt want to make the function constant as i have to convert data in qbyte array into short and then append it another array.

QByteArray ba((const char*)m_output.data(), sizeof(ushort));

它给我一个关于 playbackBuffer.append(ba);

I really need to pass this array into playbackbuffer;
It is giving me an error on playbackBuffer.append(ba);


please help
thanks in advance


这意味着您正在对 const 成员调用非常量成员函数.据推测,您的 append 函数修改了字节数组.使用 const 引用,您不应该修改.

This means you are calling a non-const member function on a const member. Presumably, your append function modifies the byte array. With a const reference, you shouldn't be modifying.
