C++ 引用中 & 符号在语义上的准确位置是什么

2022-01-05 00:00:00 reference c++


It's pretty common knowledge that the semantically accurate way to declare pointers is

int *x;


int* x;

这是因为 C 将 *x 视为 int,而不是将 x 视为 int 指针.

This is because C sees *x as an int, not x as an int pointer.


int* a, b;

其中a 是一个int 指针,而b 是一个int.

where a is an int pointer, while b is an int.

在 Stack Overflow 上至少有 5 个重复的问题讨论了这个问题的指针.但是引用呢?

There are at least 5 duplicate questions on Stack Overflow that discuss this issue for pointers. But what about references?



While researching for this question, I already found the answer:

& 需要像 * 一样编写.

The & needs to be written just like the *.


The demonstration code is similar to the pointer demonstration code:

int main() {
    int a = 0;
    int b = 1;

    int& ar = a, br = b;

    br = 2;

    return b;

这返回 1,这意味着 ar 是一个 int 引用,而 br 只是一个整数.

This returns 1, which means that ar is an int reference, while br is just an integer.
