C++:const 引用,类型说明符之前与之后

2022-01-05 00:00:00 reference constants c++


int foo1(const Fred &arg) {

int foo2(Fred const &arg) {

?我在 Parashift 常见问题解答中没有看到这种情况.

? I don't see this case covered in the parashift FAQ.


没有区别,因为相对于 & 从右到左读取 const,因此两者都表示对不可变 Fred 实例的引用.

No difference as const is read right-to-left with respect to the &, so both represent a reference to an immutable Fred instance.

Fred&const 表示引用本身是不可变的,即冗余;在处理 const 指针时,Fred const*Fred* const 有效但不同.

Fred& const would mean the reference itself is immutable, which is redundant; when dealing with const pointers both Fred const* and Fred* const are valid but different.

这是风格问题,但我更喜欢使用 const 作为后缀,因为它可以一致地应用,包括 const 成员函数.

It's a matter of style, but I prefer using const as a suffix since it can be applied consistently including const member functions.
