为什么我不能在 C++ 的 `std::map` 中存储引用?

2022-01-05 00:00:00 dictionary reference c++ std stdmap


I understand that references are not pointers, but an alias to an object. However, I still don't understand what exactly this means to me as a programmer, i.e. what are references under the hood?


I think the best way to understand this would be to understand why it is I can't store a reference in a map.


I know I need to stop thinking of references as syntactic suger over pointers, just not sure how to :/



They way I understand it, references are implemented as pointers under the hood. The reason why you can't store them in a map is purely semantic; you have to initialize a reference when it's created and you can't change it afterward anymore. This doesn't mesh with the way a map works.
