如何在 Visual Studio IDE (2008) 中打开多 CPU/核心 C++ 编译?

2022-01-04 00:00:00 visual-studio compilation c++ multicore

我有一个 Visual Studio 2008 C++ 项目,它支持在编译时使用多个 CPU/内核.在 VCPROJ 文件中,我看到:


我找不到通过 IDE 添加的位置,我想设置另一个在编译期间使用我所有内核的项目.


I have a Visual Studio 2008 C++ project that has support for using multiple CPUs/cores when compiling. In the VCPROJ file I see this:


I can't find where that was turned added via the IDE and I want to set up another project that uses all of my cores during compilation.

I found tons of references to the MSDN /MP page but that is for using the command line; I have yet to find any references to setting that with the IDE. How do I do that?

EDIT: To clarify, the two projects are completely separate and are not in the same VCPROJ file. I wanted to turn on support for multiple cores during the C++ compilation phase.


To enable /MP option you could add it to Project Settings->C/C++->Command Line|Additional options. This is the only way to switch it on in vcproj.
