
2022-01-04 00:00:00 c scope constants c++ extern

我可以像 extern const 那样混合 extern 和 const 吗?如果是,const 限定符是否仅在其声明的范围内强加其统治,还是应该与其声明的翻译单元的声明完全匹配?IE.我可以声明 extern const int i; 即使实际 i 不是常量,反之亦然?

Can I mix extern and const, as extern const? If yes, does the const qualifier impose it's reign only within the scope it's declared in or should it exactly match the declaration of the translational unit it's declared in? I.e. can I declare say extern const int i; even when the actual i is not a const and vice versa?


  • 是的,您可以同时使用它们.
  • 是的,它应该与实际声明的翻译单元中的声明完全匹配.当然,除非您参与了 Underhanded C 编程竞赛 :-)
  • 通常的模式是:

    • file.h:
      extern const int a_global_var;
    • file.c:
      #include "file.h"
      const int a_global_var =/* 一些常量表达式 */;


    Incorporated legends2k's comment. Thanks.
